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Each Aether property can be personalized to the owners choosing. Personalization can be stored both on and off-chain. In our current implementation v1, we allow owners to customize the following fields:

  1. Title
  2. Description
  3. Link
  4. Image

Quick Start

Visit your property permalink. If you are connected and the owner of this property you will have special access to the property menu.

Aether Property Menu

Selecting Edit will display the following options. This will allow you to make changes to your property. The default option is to have data stored off-chain. This means that the updated metadata is stored on our servers.


We recommend that new users opt-in to use our off-chain storage options. While ownership is secured and backed by the block-chain, it's up to the beholder to put a value on on-chain storage.

Aether Property Edit

Alternatively you may opt in to storing data on-chain. This form of storage will cost gas fees as you will be writing data directly on to the block-chain.